On the third day . . .
On the third day . . .
“On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee (John 2:1).” Jesus along with his mom and disciples was at the wedding. You may know the story. The wedding ran out of wine. Mary, the mother of Jesus, tells Jesus to do something about it. Jesus then tells the servants to go and fill up six stone ceremonial washing jars with water. They fill them to the brim. Then Jesus says draw some out and then take it to the master of the banquet. They do. “When the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine,” he celebrated by praising the bridegroom. He was very pleased that this wine was better than the wine that they had been serving.
This scripture continues and tell us that with this miracle Jesus revealed his GLORY.
His glory. His purpose to establish a new covenant. A covenant deeper than the ones before.
The Old Testament revealed 3 covenants that God made with his people. The first being with Abraham, a covenant that God promises to be their God and bless his family. The second being with the people of Israel, a covenant that God promises to be their God and bless them so that they may represent God to the rest of the world. The third being with King David, a covenant that God promises to be his God and that one day one of his sons will reign and extend God’s Kingdom of peace and blessing over all the nations.
But there is a problem. Israel breaks all the covenants. They are unfaithful and forced into exile, and it seems hopeless.
The prophets talk about how one day God will restore all of these covenants in spite of their unfaithfulness, in spite of their disobedience, in spite of their inability to remember. This one day will be celebrated. This one day will bring a new covenant in which we all participate in.
Which brings us back to the wedding. The wedding happening on the third day. The third day. A wedding, meaning a covenant being revealed on the third day. The introduction of this story is resurrection language. Language we use that paints a picture of the empty tomb. Language that reveals God’s plan and glorifies His Son. On the third day, Jesus was raised from the dead! This is language that brings US to celebrate a covenant with God. A covenant made in blood and celebrated with a meal, with a party where the wine cannot run out! A covenant where God is faithful, even when we are not. A covenant where God loves us unconditionally, and reminds us that He is our God and we are His people. A covenant that celebrates Emmanuel, God with us.
May you celebrate today:
A risen King who sits on the throne,
A risen Savior who redeems his people,
A risen Son who blesses the world,
Jesus the Messiah, the One raised from the dead, thus revealing his Glory.
written by: John Kimberlin, Youth and Family Minister