What to Expect on Sunday
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)
Join us in worship this Sunday!
Little Rock Church meets on Sunday mornings to experience the transforming presence of God through worship, the Lord’s Supper, preaching, and through the encouragement of being together.
At 9:00 AM, we have Bible classes for every age from birth to adulthood. In each class, we strive to encourage and equip our members in their spiritual journey. Our children are taught biblical truths and given practical applications to use in their everyday life. Our adults are encouraged in their spiritual walk through the study of the word and different books throughout the year.
Our corporate time of worship starts at 10:00 AM. Our worship leaders plan a time of exciting and contemporary instrumental worship, and we regularly hear an inspiring message from the Word of God prepared by our preaching team.
Every Sunday we share in a covenant meal that Jesus Christ instituted. We call this “communion,” or “the Lord’s Supper.” It is open to all in Christ, and because we regularly change the way we partake the bread and cup, we give instructions during our assembly of how to participate.
Visitors will not be expected to say or do anything during the worship assembly. We hope you will visit and be able to share in the life of Little Rock Church.

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We would love to meet you and learn more about you! Fill out the form so that we can make sure you are connected with a member of our leadership team or elders!
If you’d prefer, you may also email Sarah Tappe (sarah@littlerockchurch.org), or call 501-455-0900.