Women’s Ministry
Our ministry is divided into 3 subgroups which provide a variety of ways for you to grow spiritually and connect with other women. For more information, contact the women’s ministry leader, DeAnna McAlister, at womensministry@littlerockchurch.org. The following ladies also serve on the Women’s Leadership team: MaryLee Dell, Vivian Hunter, Pam Reed, Angie King, Tara Philbrick, Lindsey McDonald, and Linda Murphy. Please feel free to contact anyone on the leadership team if you have questions about women’s ministry.
Women’s Ministry strives to plan events where women of all ages can connect with one another – those we’ve known for years and newcomers to LRC. Often these events are centered around a service project for another ministry in LRC, the community, or a global need. Currently, our house churches are planning these monthly events
Women’s Ministry seeks to plan a yearly weekend retreat or Ladies’ Day for ladies to get away from the daily hustle to focus on spiritual teaching and renewal, draw closer to God, and connect with each other.
Each summer, we have a six week study for the women of LRC. Each week, we will have a devotional and small group discussion followed by a time of fellowship and snacks. We’d love for you to join us! For more information please email womensministry@littlerockchurch.org
In January 2025, we plan to continue in our relationship building and growing in our faith together. The women will gather together once a month during the school year (September-April) for the purpose of building intergenerational relationships and encouraging each other in our walk with the Lord.
There will be designated leaders for each group and a group decision will be made as to which day of the month is best for them to meet. The leaders will host the group in their home, provide refreshment, and facilitate the discussion.
This ministry is open to all the women of LRC, whatever age or stage of life you are in. We hope you will prayerfully consider if God is calling you to join this ministry.