LRC Children’s Ministry
LRC Kids ministry is for children birth-5th grade. Our purpose is to introduce children to Jesus Christ and set them on a path to knowing him. Our mission is to welcome children, teach children, support families and equip parents in the spiritual formation of children. From nurseries to kids classes, our goal is for children to experience God’s love, know him and follow him. Our Children’s Ministry leader is Tammy White, and you can contact her by emailing childrensministry@littlerockchurch.org.
We provide nurseries for children birth through 3 years old during the worship assembly. Parents are welcome to drop off children at any time during the worship assembly.
LRC Kids Classes
We provide Bible class experiences for children birth-5th grade every Sunday from 9:00-9:45 AM. Birth through preschool-age children classes are located in the main building where the entrance is just off the worship center. Children in Kindergarten to 5th grade meet in classroom located in the Children’s Ministry Building.