Welcome to LRC

In our mission to love God and love others, Little Rock Church has grown into a non-denominational community of 300-350 people, located in the southwest area of Little Rock, AR.  We are a group of imperfect people who are learning what it means to love God and to love others, and would be honored to have you visit our worship assembly at 10:00 AM.

Every day in practical ways, Little Rock Church demonstrates God’s love in our families, community, city and around the world.  We are inviting new people who want to grow, build up their faith and discover fresh meaning and joy in their lives.

Come see what so many people are excited about.  Come discover Little Rock Church.

Our “What to Expect” page will be able to answer many questions you might have.  You may also send an email to mail@littlerockchurch.org or give us a call at 501-455-0900.

If you would like to receive our weekly bulletin in your email please fill out the following form. While we would enjoy the opportunity to get to know you better no one will stop by your home unannounced.

Visitor Registration

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